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L&G Learning: 18 Years of Centred Learning

Gather 'round, folks! It's time to celebrate the 18th birthday of L&G Learning, a company that's old enough to vote but still young enough to appreciate a good (or questionable) pun. 

Back in 2006, Lorna Trainer and George Baker decided to shake things up. They leapt from the cushy world of further education into the wild unknown of entrepreneurship, birthing L&G Learning. And yes, eagle-eyed readers, you've cracked the code - L&G does indeed stand for Lorna and George. We'll pause while you recover from the shock of this revelation. 

Now, every great company needs a catchy motto, right? Yours truly, in a moment of what I thought was sheer brilliance, suggested "L&G Learning: Where Learning Begins and Ends with Us." Get it? Learning begins with L and ends with G. I'll wait while you finish the slow clapping. 

Alas, my dreams of marketing genius were swiftly dashed. Lorna, ever the voice of reason (or, as I prefer to think of it, the destroyer of wordplay dreams), pointed out that this might be considered "misinformation." Apparently, some people have the audacity to continue learning even after they've left us. Who knew? 

So, we settled on "Where Learning is Centred Around You." It's more aligned with our ethos, more accurate, and decidedly less punny. But between you and me? I still think mine was better. Fake news or not! 

As we prepare to blow out the candles and gore on our 18th birthday cake, please join us in looking back at our journey from plucky upstarts to... well, slightly older plucky upstarts. We've learned a lot in 18 years, and not just how to reject perfectly good marketing slogans.

So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the story of L&G Learning. 

The Beginning 

Ah, the glamorous life of start-up founders! Picture this: Lorna's dining room, transformed into the bustling headquarters of L&G Learning. And by "bustling," I mean two determined individuals hunched over laptops, surrounded by coffee mugs and biscuits. 

Lorna and George embark on their journey

Lorna and George, our intrepid heroes, were fighting an uphill battle against the Goliaths of the training world. These established centres had fancy offices, water coolers, and probably even those little mints in the reception area. Meanwhile, L&G Learning had... well, a dining table and a burning desire to succeed. 

But what they lacked in creature comforts, they made up for in sheer grit and an uncanny ability to provide services that made people sit up and take notice. It's amazing what you can achieve when you're fuelled by passion and the fear of having to explain to your family why the dining room has been commandeered for the foreseeable future. 

Now, let me tell you about Lorna's superhuman work ethic. This woman was sending emails at 3 AM like it was a perfectly normal thing to do. How do I know this? Because my phone wouldn't stop pinging in the dead of night, making me wonder if Lorna had created a night taxi service and she wanted me to go out and pick up passenger to pay the bills.

Despite these late-night work marathons, Lorna would show up the next morning looking like she'd just stepped out of a magazine spread. Fresh-faced, glamorous, and ready to conquer the world. It was enough to make mere mortals like me wonder if she had a secret stash of unicorn dust or a time-turner hidden away somewhere.

In fact, I had a theory that Lorna was actually an alien in disguise, sent to Earth to show us humans how it's done. I kept expecting Men in Black agents to burst in at any moment, demanding to take her back to her home planet. But nope, turns out she's just an extraordinary human with an extraordinary capacity for hard work (and an extraordinary skincare routine, I assume). 

Those first few years were tough, no doubt about it. But with Lorna's alien-like stamina and George's strong work ethic, unerring drive and his ability to stay on the right side of sanity, L&G Learning slowly but surely began to make its mark. Who needs a fancy office when you've got determination, talent, and a dining room table, right? 

Growth and Evolution 

Ah, the saga of L&G Learning continues! Grab your popcorn, folks, because this tale of triumph, relocation and sadness is about to unfold. 

George after three years of valiant effort, probably fuelled by an unhealthy amount of coffee, bid farewell to L&G and a few years later, George sadly passed away.  He will always be remembered and loved by all that knew him as one of the good guys he was and always will be our G.  We miss you, George. 

Lorna working from home, before it was a thing

L&G didn't crumble, It grew strong on the foundations that where laid by George, it flourished like a well-watered office plant (which, incidentally, we didn't have room for in the dining room). Our reputation grew faster than Lorna's to-do list, which is saying something. 

Fast forward to 2013, when Lorna apparently decided that running a business from a dining room wasn't quite enough excitement for one lifetime. In a move that can only be described as "go big or go home" (or in this case, "go big and leave home"), she set her sights on the Get Ready for Work program with Skills Development Scotland. This wasn't just dipping a toe in the water; it was a full-on cannonball into the deep end of youth empowerment. The mission? Equip young people with the skills to brave the wild jungle of the workforce or the treacherous seas of further education. 

Taking on this new venture meant we had to say goodbye to our beloved dining room headquarters. I know, try to hold back your tears. Lorna's family, however, seemed suspiciously overjoyed at the prospect of reclaiming their eating space. Ungrateful, if you ask me. Where else could they have enjoyed their dinner with a side of business strategy? 

So, off we went to our first proper training centre in grand The Hatrack Building on St Vincent Street, Glasgow. Now, this was a big step up from the dining room. For one, we no longer had to pretend the fridge was a filing cabinet. And let me tell you, having actual office space in the heart of Glasgow felt positively luxurious. We were living the high life, rubbing shoulders with the city's bustling business community. 

Of course, this move came with its own unique set of challenges. For instance, we quickly learned that "nipping out for lunch" could turn into an epic quest through a labyrinth of food options, which of course ultimately let to Tesco Metro meal deals. 

The updated L&G Learning Logo

But you know what? We made it work. Because that's what L&G does. We adapt, we evolve, and we occasionally have to navigate through throngs of tourists asking us for directions to the nearest whisky shop or Bagpipe centre. 

But wait, there's more! Because apparently, L&G Learning doesn't believe in standing still (unless it's in the queue for the office microwave). 

Our journey of evolution continued faster than you can say "professional development." We watched as Get Ready for Work transformed into Employability Fund like some sort of bureaucratic butterfly. But did we rest on our laurels? Ha! We laugh in the face of complacency! 

Next thing you know, we're dipping our toes into the world of Modern Apprenticeships. Because why stop at getting people ready for work when you can train them on the job too? It's like we're the Mary Poppins of the employment world - practically perfect in every way (well we all need a bit of artistic interpretation).   

But why stop there? We continued to work hard and expanded our commercial part of our business, working with a range of organisations in the Health and Social Care industry. Turns out, our skills are as transferable as a chameleon at a paint factory and we're about as versatile as a Swiss Army knife - but with less risk of getting your finger trapped when you're just trying to open a bottle of wine. From Social Care to Childcare, we've spread our educational wings wider than a seagull eyeing your chips outside Central Station. Who knew that the secret to success is a healthy dose of learning and development mixed with a great team of Assessor and Office staff. 

From humble home office huddles to bustling city centre brainstorms, L&G Learning has morphed more times than a chameleon in a crayon factory. We've danced from Get Ready for Work to Modern Apprenticeships, pirouetted into Health and Social Care, and sashay away ’ed into Modern Apprenticeships. Our journey proves that in the world of learning, standing still is just not our style.   

So here's to L&G Learning: where the only constant is change, it is just the first step towards innovation, and our fearless leader might just be from another planet! May our future be as bright as the glow of our computer screens at 3 AM when we're trying to figure out what Lorna’s bullet points mean! 

A Heartfelt Thank You.

As we celebrate this milestone, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has been part of the L&G Learning journey. 

To our staff, past and present: You are the heart and soul of L&G Learning. Your dedication, creativity, and passion have shaped our company into what it is today. Whether you've been with us for years or moved on to new adventures, know that you will always be part of the L&G family. A piece of you will forever remain in the fabric of our organisation, continuing to inspire and guide us. Once L&G, always L&G! 

To the countless organisations we've had the privilege to work with: Your trust in us has been the wind beneath our wings. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your growth stories and for challenging us to continually improve and innovate. 

To our learners: You are the reason we exist. Your enthusiasm to learn, your determination to succeed, and your feedback have driven us to be better every day. Watching you grow and achieve your goals has been the greatest reward of this journey. 

And to Lorna, our fearless leader: Words cannot express how much your vision, tireless effort, and unwavering commitment have meant to L&G Learning. Your ability to inspire, adapt, and lead with both head and heart has been nothing short of extraordinary. This company is a testament to your dream and your drive. Thank you for taking us all on this amazing ride.