Apprenticeships are the Business


L&G Learning are a Modern Apprenticeship and Training Provider based in Glasgow specialising in the Social Services sector. As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2018 we have invited our Digital Marketing apprentice and Receptionist, Jemma, to discuss what she thinks of the Apprenticeship.

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I am now 5 months into my apprenticeship with l&g learning and have learned a lot about digital marketing I never knew before. Before starting this apprenticeship, I studied Graphic Design. After college I took on a job that wasn’t creative at all as an Administration Assistant in an office. I enjoyed the role but missed the creative side of design. When this opportunity came up I was attracted to it because Digital Marketing looked like a good balance between what I enjoy doing in the office and what I am interested in creatively. It also meant I could continue to learn whilst being employed, which is important when you have financial responsibilities to consider.

I had previous experience of managing a website from college, but it wasn’t until starting this Modern Apprenticeship that I learned how to analyse data from a website. I have learned how to use Google Analytics to see how many visitors we have to our website, what pages are the most popular, and other insights that allow us to improve our website and online presence.

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As well as working with the website I am involved in creating and promoting marketing campaigns. L&g learning specialise in training for the Social Services sector and we have recently been focusing on recruiting people on to our Employability Fund courses, and Childcare Modern Apprenticeships. As part of the Digital Marketing apprenticeship I have learned how to use email marketing and social media campaigns to reach out to these people. The biggest difference from what I am learning now to what I learned in college is that what I am doing in the apprenticeship can be directly applied to my job role.

I am continually learning about digital marketing and feel that even after I finish the apprenticeship I will continue to learn more. I was surprised to find that I could even do an apprenticeship in Digital Marketing and have only now discovered the variety of Modern Apprenticeships that are available. I would recommend a Modern Apprenticeship to anyone considering it because whatever you’re interested in there’s probably an Apprenticeship out there for it!

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2018 runs from 5- 9 March. You can find out more about Scottish Apprenticeships at