Return of the Lambert

l&g learning’s newest Employability Facilitiator had an opportunity to visit her former High School to promote the Employability Fund to students who are preparing to leave school.

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Angelica started on the Employability Fund programme after leaving school unsure what to do next. A familiar feeling for a lot of students in her position. She was informed about l&g learning from her post school careers adviser at Skills Development Scotland and ventured into the city centre for her first ever interview.

"Another thing I found strange was having to enter the school via the main visitor’s entrance, I was a visitor on this occasion but it didn’t feel like I was"

Upon completion of the course Angelica was offered the Receptionist position within the company and since then has went on the complete a Modern Apprenticeship in Creative & Digital Media and very recently started working within the Employability Team. Continue reading to find out how her visit went.

“The walk from the train station to the school was even a little odd, we walked past the gate that I would walk in every morning after getting off my school bus and down the path I used to walk after getting crisps/sweets from the ice cream van (that I’m sure wasn’t even allowed to be there) most breaks and lunch. Another thing which I found strange was having to enter the school via the main visitor’s entrance, I was a visitor on this occasion but it didn’t feel like I was, having spent 6 years in the place. As we arrived inside we were greeted by two friendly senior pupils who showed us to our designated stall. Charis and I quickly got set up and started chatting to the students and their parents asking what their plans were for the forthcoming year and if they had any career choices in mind yet. For the majority of them only being in 4th year they weren’t too sure yet so we just let them know that the Employability Fund is another option from college and university. When our stall was quiet I was scanning the room trying to look for any familiar faces of teachers that I would recognise but wasn’t having much luck and that made me wonder if they had left and if so why? One thing I did notice was that all the students were still smartly dressed wearing blazers and it was nice to see, even thinking that was strange for me because I remember all too well struggling to abide by the strict uniform rules. I went to the social area girls toilets and walking in there was a little strange, still looks the same, still smells the same but didn’t feel the same because half the time I’d go to the toilet was to kill some time of classes I didn’t enjoy too much.”

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“I got a chance to have a wander about the different stalls and when doing so I bumped into my old head teacher who was still all smiles just as I remember him, it was nice to let him know that I’m doing well and enjoying working at l&g learning and he was happy to hear this news too. The night went in quickly talking to lots of students and I remember attending these events when I was in school so it was strange being at the other side of the stall but I thoroughly enjoyed it and glad I got given the opportunity.”